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All photographs displayed by Shenandoah2000 Galleries are the sole property of  Diane P. Elliott, owner of the Shenandoah2000 Galleries website.

Limited Individual Use Permission: Permission is granted for an individual to download any information for his/her own personal use. Redistribution in printed or electronic media format is strictly prohibited.

Limited Educational, Governmental or Non-Profit Organization Use Permission: Permission is freely granted for distribution in printed format provided that:

Commercial Use Provisions: Any public or private   institution, through business, commercial, or other anticipated profit related activity generating revenue from use of the photographs displayed by Shenandoah2000 Galleries  is expressly forbidden without written consent of Shenandoah2000 Galleries.   To request permission, please e-mail the following information to

Linking Policy: Shenandoah2000 Galleries  welcomes links from other galleries and websites, except those displaying or promoting pornographic material. To request a link to your website, please contact Shenandoah2000 Galleries at  and  provide information about your site and details for linking to it.

Thank you for understanding.